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R&D productivity for life sciences

Causaly helps scientists find, analyze, and collaborate on scientific information. Using the AI-powered Causaly Cloud platform, R&D teams can understand disease and develop safe and effective drugs.

Ilustración de marca para tecnología startup
Reino Unido
Identidad de marca
Diseño y desarrollo web
Motion e ilustraciones
Tecnología sanitaria
Inteligencia artificial
B2B SaaS

The integration of Gen-AI in life sciences means a paradigm shift in the development of new medicines. Early adopters like Causaly can gain a significant advantage in transforming industry challenges into opportunities. The London-based Healthtech is looking to position itself as a market leader, not only via its groundbreaking technology but also via a new brand identity and website.

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Concepto y estrategia

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la Estrategia

Causaly’s branding concept is rooted in its name. Causality is at the heart of biomedicine; every decision is based on the relationship between cause and effect. This interconnection of a great amount of data underpins the AI platform and is reflected in the tech company’s visual identity. Precision and progress are made visible through a corporate, serious yet disruptive brand.

Página web

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la Web

The website of the Health tech company comprises a lot of sub-pages, each of them dedicated to one specific aspect of the Life Science AI platform and to the distinct research applications. Due to the complexity of the topic, the web design has to be clean and straightforward. With subtle animations and strategically positioned colorful highlights, the pages communicate the value proposition of Causaly in a professional and precise manner.